The 30-day SAT Reading Challenge

Do you really want to supercharge your SAT Reading score?

You have come to the right place! Here's how it works.

1SAT Practice Test #1

First, before the challenge begins, go here and solve the reading section of this test under realistic testing (timing) conditions.

Then, grade the test and find out what your base score is (the scoring instructions can be found here).

2Start the Challenge

Now it is time to start the challenge.

  • You will need to solve three Wedu passages, daily.
  • Make sure you always take the test on the Elite setting.
  • ALWAYS review your incorrect answers at the conclusion of a session.

You’re going to do this daily for 30 days.

On day 10, 20, and 30 you should also take a real SAT test to see how you are progressing. Here are links for tests you can use:


Once you have finished the Challenge, compare your initial score to your final score. You will definitely see an improvement!

Then, send us an email at, we’d love to hear how you did!